Facial Prosthetics for Aesthetics | Elite Clinic
Facial Prosthetics for Aesthetics Facial Prosthetics for Aesthetics – By Dr. Abhishek Bansal, M.D.S. Prosthodontist and Maxillofacial Prosthetist First impressions and beauty have become an important feature in society. Even a remaining unshaved hair on the face can create awkward moments for many, then what about people with injured and deformed faces? Maxillofacial traumas and deformities not only affect the physical appearance of the patient but also have a negative impact on psychological health, thereby affecting their familial and social life. Need for treatment and restoration led to development of Maxillofacial Prosthetics. What is Maxillofacial Prosthetics? Maxillofacial prostheses is the phase of dentistry that repairs and artificially replaces parts of the face after injuries or surgical intervention. The definition provided, although excluded the congenital facial deformities, nonetheless it is used for rehabilitating such deformities too. Maxillofacial reconstruction...